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Monday, April 19, 2010

Prompt on DOUBT

The color of my Mother's eyes are brown. I know this by just looking at them and identiifying the colors not through intuition but through direct observation. I am sure about this anwer because it is a fact. Not an opinion. I relay on no other sources.
I can honestly say I trust no one but God. I know this through the teaching I've been taught in church. God is the only one that one can truly relay.
The color of the ocean is blue. I know this through scentific observation...and what i've learned in primary school.
No, I don't think there is such a thing as life after death. This answer depends on one's religion and believes. I, a christain believe that when a person is dead, there are gone....gone forever. No waking up in the next life. I an sure about my this beacuse from what I have been taught, such thing do not exsist. I relay on my believes and what is in the Bible.
According to my believes, yes it is wrong to steal. I once agan, relay on the Bible. It is written in Exodus among the ten commandments.
I'm not so sure if there is life on other palnets. It could or could not be. Who knows?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Writing Prompt *6 Three Valid Inferences

  • On the Rainy River

- The narrator of this short story is young Tim O' Brien. This stage of hie life is when he is unsure of himself about how he could possibly be a solider in a war he took a stand against (pg 41, first para). He feels like he has accomplished so much in his young life to give it all up for a situation he has no control over (pg 41 last para). As a harmless individual, he figures the draft must be a mistake because he feels he is too good of a person to be a solider to experience the violent killing, or the most important thing he feared, being killed. However, little did he know that this war, is something that is possibly going to change his life and his perspective of things about life. for example how he used to take things for granted before going into the war.

-He found himself as a coward. The old man, Elroy, took him to the border line of America and Canada. He starts to see faces of the different people, some he knew, and some he'd soon know about. He felt like all of them were watching him to make his next move, whether to be a coward that he always is, or to step out of the shell. He called this an embarrassment (pg 59).

-Young O' Brien, put himself on a high petal stool that he could even talk to no one about the experience he had before submitting himself to the war. He carried himself in such a way it was only courage that caused him to share the this part of his with the readers. "Courage, I seemed to think, comes to us in finite quantities, like an inherit ace, and by being frugal...(pg 40)" Before he encountered the courage to speak of his submission to the war, he had pride.

  • The Ghost Soldiers

-The narrator in this short story is the older, more mature Tim O' Brien. In this part of his life, he fully committed and has accepted the war for what it is. This is the time when Vietnam seems to be nothing but a real reality check. He is able to showcase his skills as a leader, and he has pushed himself to as an individual.

-In this short story is where his maturity kicked in. For example, when he was shot, he had the determination to get revenge on Bobby Jergenson for his lack of partnership. All that seemed not to matter any longer after meeting with Jergenson, who explained and apologized for hos actions that caused O' Brien to get shot. He stated, "I hated him for making me stop hating him (pg 200)." That comes to show that the war had truly changed Tim O' Brien.

-Overall, compered to when he was younger, he has become one who he never thought he could be. On page 200, he now has the characteristics of a solider where certain feeling are within him. For example on pg 220, he states, "it is hard to admit to myself, but I was capable if evil."

Writing Prompt *1 Silent Agreement of a movie.

There are lots of movies that says "based on a true story" however, the way its being presented might not be of that of a true story. The movie, Titanic is a great example of that. The basics or the moral of the movie is of a true story. Titanic is about a young wealthy young British lady named Rose who is on her way to Newyork, America from England on a Ship called Titanic with her mother. While on the journey, Rose came in contact with a young, not-so-wealthy American man name Jack who is on his way back to his country, America. Both Rose and Jack developed feelings for each other but since Jack is not of a wealthy family, Rose's mother disagrees with Rose getting acquited with a man such as Jack. Not too long, the ship broke in half and began to sank. Beacuse of her love for Jack, Rose decided to stay with Jack and give what it takes to survive rather than go with her mother on a canoe sincing the ship is sinking. At the end of the day, Jack died and Rose lived to tell the story of the ship.
My opinion of the movie is that true, the ship sank in real life, however, I don't believe the love story between Rose and Jack exsited along with it. I feel it was just an additonal made-up story added to make the movie great so to attract the viewers and for the viewers to fully understand the ture part of the story: the sinking of the ship.
The words "based on a true story" enhances my viewing of the movie becasue those five words in quotations allows me to pay extra attention to small details more than Iwould for other ordinary movies.

Writing Prompt 7 New Thoughts About the "Truth"

After reading this story, I came with new thoughts about the truth. The reason is because in general when telling any type of story, people tend to add certain effects so to draw-in the listeners and to make the story more entertaining as much as possible. When I first began to read this book, there were some things I had to question myself about. For example in the short stories, Enemies and Friends. The story stated that Dave broke his own nose simply because he felt bad for what he did to Lee Strunk. That piece of information left a question in my mind because in the real life, I don't think anyone will want to hurt themselves permanently just because they feel guilty for what's been done to the other person. Based on the author's own criteria, no, this novel is not a true war story however, there are events that took place in a true war story that is in the novel.

Writing Prompt 2 Semi-Truth Told in The Things They Carried

The truth in the novel, The Things They Carried, can be easily missed without the intention. This book requires total analyzation because the turth about the war, are only between the lines but without an insite look, one may fail in capturing the truth about true war stories.
For instance, the short story "Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong," Rat Kiley was telling a story about Mary Anne transformation's from a sweet girl into a wild naturaled woman, Mitchell Sanders kept interupting him to tell the story in a way that will attract the listeners.
If Sanders was to tell the story, it more than likey that there will be false story just to make it more enthusiastic which may lead one into missing the truth.

Writing Prompt 4 Favorite Story and The Book as a Whole

My favoite short story in The Things They Carried is "The Dentist." The reason the short story fully captured my intrest is beacuse although, it is one of the shortest stories in the novel, it allows the readers to get an overall picture of who the character, Curt Lemon really is before his death. He is known for being the dare devil among soldiers and always trying things that no one in their right mind would consider doing. He has a certain posture about himself that may come across to other soldiers as a "show off". In the short story, The Dentist, the readers as well as the soldiers were able to see the child side of Curt Lemon when he refuses to see the dentist because of the tooth that was troubling him. With Lemon in this story, I am able to relate to him because although he always seemed to "play the tough role" very well around this fella soldiers, as the short story continues, we, as well as the soldiers around him saw that he has his own weaknesses. The type of weaknesses he refuses to let anyone knows about him because that woluld only cause others to look at him a differnet way which may lead to pepole not taking him seriously as a soldier. Maybe that is why he chooses to do things others wouldn't do.
The book as a whole is a pretty edcational piece of work. The reason I say this is beacuse, although the book itself is not a book I will personally pick out of any others, the book allowed me to view the war aspect differrently as far as what is expected from a true war story and the way its being told.

Friday, January 22, 2010


During this time last year, was my first semester at MSC as a freshman in college. Ofcourse I was excited to finally become a college student which to me, indicated that there were going to be college parties, or things highly related to the movie, "Drum Line" or "Legally Blonde" where every one and everything seems Live and fun, dramatic, and eye catching.
Soon enough I realized that college at MSC wasn't what I had in mind. On the first day of class, while I had the mentality of meeting new people, exchanging numbers, creating some kind of group-click (the movie: "Legally Blonde") basically having non-academic fun, everyone else around me looked more serious and things seemed more intense than expected. I found myself alone, with no knowledge of which building was which even with the signs on them, thinking to myself how I thought the first day of college was going to be fun and enthusiastic....no, it was the excate opposite of what I was prepared for.

I find this irony because looking back on it after a year now, I can't believe I actually thought college was just like high school where things tend to be more easier for someone who just graduated. Just glad I know better now.


The movie that I've watched that revealed the truth about life is "BLOOD DIAMOND". The movie, says alot about the behind the scenes that jewlery lovers, especially Diamond buyers don't see. As far as they know, diamonds comes from Africa but what they do not know is the price (what it cost: life, the struggles, the way of living) that was paid by the Africans to export those diamonds to the Uninted States or other continents.

The truth the movie, BLOOD DIAMOND revealed is the abuse that the country of Sierra Leon encountered not only physicall, but as well as mentally and emotionally. It went into details as to what people would do just for materialistic things such as money and Diamonds. It also, shows the risks that some leaders would take their country through just to show who has the upper hand against other countries. The truth was revealed mainly through War: killing of families, War between Sierra Leon's army and Somwhat of America's or other country.

This movie, clearly illusrates what the real world is like today. For example, the War going on between U.S and Iraq. What exactly are these two countries fighting for? How is this fight benefiting the citizens of these two countries? This war is doing nothing but killing the soliders who dedicated their lives for their country to win the respect and honor of their country with little to no knowledge of the REAL PURPOSE why this war is still going on.

Overall, the movie, "BLOOD DIAMOND " reveals alot of the truth about life through war, pain and agony. However, not a lot of people knows the truth about these diamonds and the lifes that were given up for it. The saying : "diamonds are a gilr's best friend" is an ignorance saying because not all girls knows the truth behind those shining diamonds.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Things Carried

As a young, but soon to be a full-adult, the things I carry depends on how I plan to spend my day. For instance, if I'm going to school, I know for a fact that books will be involved with my normal load of stuff compared to if I was just going out for my own pleasure. However, on a regular basis, regardless if I'm in or out of school, there are up to five items I carrry in my purse at all times. First is my cell phone. That is something I can't go a day without. This is an item I use to keep and stay in-touch with my friends and family. A way to letting them know my where abouts. It is also an object that I use as a safety net when I feel uncomfortable within my surrondings. Secondly is my wallet. I think everyone will agree with me when I say you can't go anywhere if your wallet isn't within reach. As a young lady, I believe that apperance is one of the top three things one should ALWAYS keep up with which is why my lipgloss and hair brush are the third and fourth most imporatant items that stays in my purse. As my mother always says: "Never know when you meet Mr. Right." Thats something that runs in the family. Last but not least of the most important thing I carry on me at all times is my identification card. With this, I know that i have the prove to identify myself as the person I am. You can never know when I can be in a situaion where my ID will be the only thing to safe my life besides God.